We visit the CEO Sleepout at Oxford University

We visit the CEO Sleepout at Oxford University

Chris Chown visits the CEO Sleepout and makes a donation from our trust


We walk past them not wanting to engage with any pleas for help. We increase our walking speed, sometimes uttering a feeble excuse, other times not.

It is fair to say that homelessness in the U.K. is treated as a dirty little secret

We have grown used to it, but aren’t prepared to really help.

We judge and have preconceived ideas.

We are caught in a dilemma of wanting to give money but assuming it will be spent on drugs or alcohol.

Traditionally our trust hasn’t supported homeless charities, as our remit is to help local charities focused on disabilities largely – but on learning of CEO Sleepout, not only did we want to make a donation, but we also thought we could pass some business names and contacts to Bianca Robinson (the CEO of the charity).

So, after further research and learning of an Oxford sleepout, and after communications, we were invited to the sleepout.

What an amazing opportunity to see the local business community coming together to support a cause.

The Ceo Sleepout

Myself and a colleague stayed to see the preparations for the event (taking place at University College) at their sports ground and got a real sense of CEO’s, MD’s and others all sleeping rough for one night (7:30 p.m. through to 6:00 a.m.)

The event raised an amazing £75,000, including our small donation and we wish them more success with the future events already planned

For more information visit www.ceosleepout.co.uk

Chris making a donation at the CEO sleep out in Oxford